Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A New Way to Run

In November 2008, I injured my leg while training for the PF Chang's Marathon in Phoenix. I built up my mileage too quick and ended up inflaming my popliteus muscle. Needless to say, it was a major disappointment. Suddenly, I couldn't run and although running was my least favorite activity of the trifecta, it builds your stamina and strength. And you just feel so good after it! I couldn't do the marathon and not being able to run regularly was a huge blow to my capabilities, confidence and motivation.

I've been going through routine physical therapy and chiro appointments (thank you Dr. Sherman in Phx and Dr. Rabbetz in SF!) since my injury, and at each appointment I have been waiting for the doctor to utter those three words... "try running again."

Until those words were spoken, though, I had to find another way to exercise my legs that's similar to running. I was still cycling, but you know as much as I do that cycling uses different muscles than running. So, the doctor suggested AQUA JOGGING. What? Run in the pool? How the heck does that work?

It works great! I never thought I would clip into a waist floatie (you know, the ones that old ladies use when they're doing aqua jazzercise!) and run laps in the pool. But this exercise surprised me! It gives your leg muscles a hard challenge but has no hard impact. It's really a perfect solution for those suffering injuries!

While aqua jogging comes as close as you can to running w/o agitating your injury, I have to admit there are downfalls. It doesn't give you a real heavy cardio workout, but I think it could once you build up your endurance or if you do sprints. I've only been doing 15 minutes at a medium pace, but I know others who aqua run for an hour w/o a floatie and they get a serious workout. The other negative is that it can be extremely boring because you are pushing yourself across the pool at a verrrryyy sllllloooowwww pace. But that's something that music (they have waterproof iPod holders) or a chatty workout buddy could easily fix. I haven't done either...I resort to talking to myself.

Overall, I highly recommend those who are going through an injury and having running withdrawals to try aqua running. If you want to keep the feeling of running in your legs, and continue strengthening those muscles, aqua running is an ideal exercise! Of course, you should consult with your doctor first!

And my injury? Well, it's been healing successfully. Last week I started running for 15 minutes at a very slow pace, which is such a kick to the ego, but boy it felt good! Those 15 minutes felt like I just won a race. I felt great physically, mentally and spiritually. Ahhhh, it's good to be back. I'm up to 20 minutes this week. Cross your fingers for me!

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